Goal of the event:
Activity related to promoting the exchange of foreign student mobility, and promotion on down syndrome and avoiding stereotypes. Promotion of activities with centers of different specialties of students with disabilities. Activities that try to raise awareness of Erasmus students and the rest of society.
Short description of the event:
It was proposed to carry out a cultural exchange between the Erasmus and the boys of the association. Erasmus made presentations from their countries. Once the boys finished they had time to ask questions and spend time with them. The activity was carried out at a student center with down syndrome. The students that we took were erasmus and had to explain through media their culture and later their stay and activity in this moment of Erasmus. The boys at the center were able to ask questions and interact with Erasmus at all times. The activity was very interesting because they asked many questions and it was very funny, it was possible to give students the knowledge of the role of ESN.
How did your event go?:
The activity was very enriching for the erasmus and for the students of the school since they gave a vision in first person so much for one group, as for the other. Each group had the opportunity to talk and listen with the other students and explain their concerns about the activity.