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E.g., 20/06/2024
ExchangeAbility Week 2016! Paralympic Games NTUA Athletic Center
The event consisted of two paralympic games, the goalball and the sitting volleyball. First, we started playing goalball.
ExchangeAbility Talks
We were 12 persons, 2 ESN volunteers and 10 students with disability and without.
The Game of Senses by ESN Split
This event was organised by our two members that wanted to do something different.
School of Technology Mapping
The activity consisted of mapping the Superior School of Applied Arts and the Superior School of Technology, two of the six schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and becoming aware if
Party Is For Everyone Group Photo
To this activity we only needed blindfolds and music. The aim of it was to raise awareness among the Erasmus students towards people with a visual impairment.
Art Therapy is a creative method of expression used as a therapeutic technique and it focuses on the creative art-making process itself, and it is originated in the fields of art and psychotherapy.
How to feel the magic of Carols in alterative way ..
People in small groups ( or alone, if they wanted) had to choose some Carol to draw - it could be or commercial one, or some Carol from their countries.
When Disability Meets Art ESN UE Wrocław
During event, participants painted without using hands and blindfolded. We needed some paints, paper, brushes, water, something for cover eyes and tie hands (e. g. black fabric or bandage).
Board games night by ESN Split
Board games night took a place in Microsoft center where we invited ESNers, Erasmus students and local students to come and join us.
ESN Vaasa ExchangeAbility Fair
A Fair with checkpoints where people could try games that simulate impairments. There was 8 tables, one person at every table explaining the game.
